I have spent a great deal of time lately pondering the blockchain and its uses to benefit the universe. I have been drinking from this firehose of Blockchain information daily
Breaking down the walled gardens of the network service providers fueled the explosive growth of the internet. Removing the barriers to playing together and leveraging blockchain to secure virtual goods
The SXVU Economy has an experience level structure. The more abundant areas are in the more advanced territories as opposed to the beginner areas which are less abundant. Cities and
While Bitcoin, Ethereum, Blockchain and smart contracts are relatively new to the technology world, Virtual Economies are not. Virtual Economies have been alive and well in video games for decades.
Contextual Based Interfaces are interfaces to the Virtual Universe that take into “context” the type of device(s) the participant is using, combined with the type of display and other simulation equipment
Emily Browning discusses social good engagement in game development and how Convergence will participate. From the 2017 Run for the Unicorns event in Louisville, KY.
David Bishop discusses the virtues of social interaction within Convergence, the Virtuous Circle, and corporate governance. From the 2017 Run for the Unicorns event in Louisville, KY.
Kevin Williams discusses the opportunities Convergence will be seizing on in out of home entertainment spaces. From the 2017 Run for the Unicorns event in Louisville, KY.