Want to know more about the Prize Nexus?
Read our executive summary and more below.
As seen at IAAPA
Prize neXus is the World’s First Blockchain-Based Digital Vending Machine!
Vending Video Game Items as Prizes for your Redemption Counter!
Prizes Your Players WANT!
No Shrinkage, No DEAD inventory, No Stockroom Space Required!
CONVERGENCE (Convergence of 4 Dimensions LLC) will create the first comprehensive Cross-Reality Virtual Universe (XR-VU) combining the consumer game market with the arcade and out-of-home entertainment market. Enjoy different ways of interacting with your friends from your one account that spans across Smartphones, Tablets, Consoles, PCs, Arcades, LBEs and the ultimate in Theme Park Attractions; all with Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality and Standard Screen Interfaces intertwined into one virtual universe, where each planet is a completely different game/experience.
Goals: World domination! By using our networking savvy and bleeding-edge entertainment experience, we will lure all of humanity into our web of happy, joyful, gaming goodness. Without even realizing it, the masses will fall under our spell, losing themselves forever within Silica neXus. Of course we do have a fallback plan… simply building the largest entertainment project ever conceived, creating a cult-like following through social engagement tools from Managed Crowd-Sourcing and Crowd-Funding efforts.
Innovation: First use of Contextual Based Interfaces allowing different device-dependent entertainment experiences from both personal devices and out-of-home attractions merged contextually into one virtual universe.

Because we love games, virtual environments and entertainment technology. It is time for Cross-Reality to be realized. Real innovation has stagnated since the 2004 debut of World of Warcraft. Major studios seem to be re-skinning old ideas; no one wants to take a chance on a truly innovative concept because they say: “It’s too BIG”, “It’s too expensive” and “It will never work”.
This is the team that can deliver authentic Cross-Reality experiences and create the technology, tools, protocols, game mechanics and procedures for other developers to create their own interactive Cross-Reality experiences. We believe that accomplishing that goal will change entertainment forever!
We are also tired of getting ripped off when we are trying to sell digital assets earned while playing our favorite games. We believe our players—all players—deserve safe, secure transactions with their virtual items when they want to trade or sell. Putting these transactions on the blockchain might not fully eliminate the rampant fraud happening, however, it will bring it much closer to extinction.