Crowdfund Pre-Sale

The Silica neXus Game Worlds now Phase 4

Convergence is focused on the Player Aqcusistion Engine, NFTs, and SARA . This has moved the delivery dates for these rewards back. Currently we have them set to September of 2022. If you supported the project through this crowdfunding page and would like to switch your rewards to that value of DROID Tokens, please email [email protected]. Thank you for your support.

Crowdfund the neXus

This is where you come in! The scope of this project required multiple FUNDING STAGES based on project order – so that no matter which funding level we attain, we’re sure to deliver a great Cross-Reality experience and platform for 3rd party developers to add to. Help us co-fund Silica neXus and let’s see how big this game can get!

In-Game Rewards:

In the Alpha Mensae system on the second planet from that star the Mythilaens granted us a base planet to colonize and turn in to our base of operations for training and expanding our operations on their side of the dimensional veil. While it is not completely tamed yet, we have created several forts and are expanding colonies into cities to better protect each other. You can build your base camp there on Archipella, humanities’ first foothold on a world light-years away from the Earth.

Support Tiers: detailed descriptions

Level 1 – Watcher: $1
(no limit)

This is an easy way to help us reach our goal and become part of the Silica neXus community. This tier comes with our heartfelt gratitude! You also get email progress reports, community access, and event notifications.

Level 2 – Initiate: $5
(no limit)

Watcher Reward + PDF/eBook version of Silica: Transition By our Creative Director T.A. ROE.

Delivery: Before September 6, 2022

Level 3 – Seeker: $15
(no limit)

Initiate Reward + Paperback version of Silica: Transition By our Creative Director T.A. ROE + Early access to SARA

Paperback version of Silica: Transition By our Creative Director T.A. ROE Free S&H in the USA. Opportunity to become a beta tester for the Silica neXus Social Augmented Reality App (SARA) when it becomes available.

Delivery: Before September 6, 2022

Level 4 – Alloy Processor: $25
(Limit: 1,000 units)

Alloy Processing Plant (requires ore) can process 2 SUs of ore into 1 SU of Alloy per month.  

Delivery: Before September 6, 2022

Level 5 – Crude Refinery: $25
(Limit: 1,000 units)

Fuel Processing Plant (requires crude) can process 2 SUs of crude into 1 SU of fuel per month.  

Delivery: Before September 6, 2022

Level 6 – Pioneer: $40
(Limit: 3,000 units)

Initiate Reward + Avatar and Land Plot + Early access to SARA

Stake your claim! This is your opportunity to grab some land on the other side of the neXus. When our first town is established and land is sectioned off, first come first served opportunity to grab your personal piece of this new frontier. We have secured a beachhead in several planetary systems which allow you to put down roots with the help of your remote avatar. Our friends from a nearby system have not only provided us with the technology that creates a safe and stable wormhole, but have also provided remote entities that resemble species and technologies from their side. This allows you to achieve telepresence on their world. To them you will appear as a native. It’s like you’re really there! Opportunity to become a beta tester for the Silica neXus Social Augmented Reality App (SARA) when it becomes available. Standard Land Plots are 150 x 150 Meters. 

Delivery: Before September 6, 2022

Level 7 – Prospector: $50
(Limit: 1,000 units)

Initiate Reward + Ore Resource Bot (rBOT) + Early access to SARA

Monitor your Resource Bot remotely and gather valuable resources. Alloy is needed as a consumable resource to build many things; buildings, droids, weapons, vehicles, ammunition, and the like. Alloy is produced from Ore. You can either buy the ore, or create your own here so you never run out. With this level you receive one Ore Resource Bot which detects and extracts a standard unit (SU) of ore per month to be processed into alloy by a Processing Plant. You also have an opportunity to become a beta tester for the Silica neXus Social Augmented Reality App (SARA) when it becomes available.

More about Resource Bots: Nanites (Microscopic Nanobots) assemble to form coins so people can pick them up (ever tried to pick up just one molecule?) They are also used to create Resource bots on the CORE planets of Silica neXus. These basic resource bots are used in the collection and production of basic Consumable Resources (“Consumables”) such as Fuel and Alloy on the CORE planets. These Consumables will be used by the players throughout the CORE planets just like gas and steel are consumed in countries around the world. Opportunity to become a beta tester for SARA when it becomes available.

Resource bots will be stored in users’ accounts, along with all of the other virtual goods they collect, until traded or put to use to create resource bots. Resource bots are installed on land parcels to acquire units of Crude or Ore to be processed into Fuel or Alloy respectively. Fuel and Alloy can be used, stored or traded.  Early Adopters through Convergence’s Crowdsource campaign can become first Resource Barons in the SXVU. As the number of users grows on the system, the scarcity of resources will create a natural supply / demand market and the value of the SU of any resource will fluctuate based upon this demand created by the users. Very similar to the ecosystem of the World of Warcraft community.

Delivery: Before September 6, 2022

Level 8 – Leecher: $50
(Limit: 1,000 units)

Initiate Reward + Crude Resource Bot (rBOT) + Early access to SARA

Monitor your Resource Bot remotely and gather valuable resources. Fuel is needed as a consumable resource to run many things; droids, vehicles, factories, and the like. Fuel is produced from Crude. You can either buy the Crude, or create your own here so you never run out. With this level you receive one Crude Resource Bot which detects and extracts a standard unit (SU) of crude per month to be processed into fuel by a Refinery Station. You also have an opportunity to become a beta tester for the Silica neXus Social Augmented Reality App (SARA) when it becomes available.

Delivery: Before September 6, 2022

Level 9 – Freelancer: $60
(Limit: 500 units)

Initiate Reward + Avatar and Freight Skimmer + Hanger Space with 3 mo. free rent + Early access to SARA

Control your remote avatar through telepresence AND pilot your Freight Skimmer. You get access to a remote avatar through telepresence and you get access to a Freighter Vessel which gives you the opportunity to earn your living by offering transport- and mercenary-for-hire services. Freighters include several cabins for use as living quarters as well as cargo space for transporting goods. With 3 months of free hangar space you will have ample time to build your Freelance career or establish yourself in the merchant marines. Opportunity to become a beta tester for the Silica neXus Social Augmented Reality App (SARA) when it becomes available.

Delivery: Before September 6, 2022

Level 10 – Specialist: $70
(Limit: 500 units)

Initiate Reward + Avatar and Aerodrone + Early access to SARA

Control your remote avatar through telepresence AND pilot your personal Aerodrone as a private security officer or lieutenant in the station defense corp. You also get access to living quarters in one of the beautiful residential complexes on this world and 3 months of free rent. Opportunity to become a beta tester for the Silica neXus Social Augmented Reality App (SARA) when it becomes available.

Delivery: Before September 6, 2022

Level 11 – City Planner: $140
(Limit: 100 units)

Initiate Reward + Avatar and Large Central Land Parcel + SARA group leader status

Take charge of your destiny! This is your opportunity to grab some premium land within the commercial sector on the other side of the neXus. Special opportunity to develop a business or political career. When our first town is established and land is sectioned off, first come first served opportunity to grab your personal piece of this new frontier. We have secured a beachhead in several planetary systems which allow you to put down roots with the help of your remote avatar. Our friends from a nearby system have not only provided us with the technology that creates a safe and stable wormhole, but have also provided remote entities that resemble species and technologies from their side. This allows you to achieve telepresence on their world. To them you will appear as a native. It’s like you’re really there! This perk comes with clout. It could save you a lot of time building the resources and connections needed to establish yourself as an entrepreneur or political figure on the other side of the neXus.  Opportunity to become a beta tester for the Silica neXus Social Augmented Reality App (SARA) when it becomes available Special perk allows you to create campaigns and events as group/clan leader. 

About Large Central Land Parcels: These parcels of land are key holdings for those that would create a town center, commercial district, or rental zones for other players. Perhaps you would like to build a guild meeting hall for your house or clan? These parcels are 4 plots of land, but more importantly, their location is everything. Resources in the town center are well protected and cost much less than the same resources outside of the city limits. This could be the beginning of your virtual real estate empire.

Delivery: Before September 6, 2022

Level 12 – City Tycoon: $500
(Limit: 100,000 units)

11 rBOTs + City Planner Perk

These basic resource bots are used in the collection and production of basic Consumable Resources (“Consumables”) such as Fuel and Alloy on the CORE planets. These Consumables will be used by the players throughout the CORE planets just like gas and steel are consumed in countries around the world. Opportunity to become a beta tester for SARA when it becomes available.

City Planner Perk includes: Initiate Reward + Avatar and Large Central Land Parcel + SARA group leader status

Delivery: Before September 6, 2022

Level 13 – Land Barron: $1,000
(Limit: 50,000 units)

23 rBOTs + Land Barron Perk

Add a Very Large Outer Land Parcel

Land Barron Perk includes: Initiate Reward + Avatar and Very Large Outer Lands Parcel + SARA group leader status

About Very Large Outer Lands Parcels:  These parcels are 9 plots of land, located on the outskirts of a city, somewhat like a ranch estate. This could be used to create a suburb-like environment, an industrial production area, commercial enterprise, or broken into single plots of land to be rented or sold.

Delivery: Before September 6, 2022

Level 14 – Magnate: $5,000
(Limit: 10,000 units)

125 rBOTs + Nobel Status

Nobel Status Perk includes: Initiate Reward + Avatar and Massively Large Outer Lands Parcel + SARA group leader status

About Massively Large Outer Lands Parcels:  These parcels are 25 plots of land, located on the outskirts of a city, somewhat like a ranch estate. This could be used to create a suburb-like environment, an industrial production area, commercial enterprise, or broken into single plots of land to be rented or sold. BONUS: You also get access to a large apartment in deluxe housing within the city and a seat in the government. This perk also gives you the opportunity to create a guild house, clan, or unique corporation on the other side of the neXus that will live on within the game (name approval required).

Delivery: Before September 6, 2022

Level 15 – Legendary: $9,995 
(Limit: 1,000 units)

300 rBOTs + Special Lair or Hangout + Legendary Status 

About Special Lairs and Hangouts:  This could be an exclusive island, an asteroid base, a building complex on a huge parcel of land, an underground facility, or some other special locale that can be uniquely yours. Usable space for construction and/or land development will vary, but expect this parcel to be at least 36 plots of land + additional lair or hanguot area. Use your wealth to create an empire within the neXus universe; good or evil, corporate or pirate–the possibilities are only limited by your imagination

Delivery: Before September 6, 2022

Virtual Plots (your in-game plots of land)

■ Land Lease (Transferable) – $40 to have first selection before core game is released – 5 acre compound on Archipella in the Alpha Mensae star system. The following is representative of the land structure island on this world, other star systems will vary.

Once CORE releases, new players can earn a plot by level 30. (By then will all the great ones be taken?) The following is just one island about 75 miles across on a planet the size of earth. More land will become available.

  • Island :

  • 1 Sector layout :

  • 1 Plot of Land 150×150 Meters :

How will you defend your land and other property? What will you use to transport your goods and supplies? As we expand our rewards in the future, ships will become available.

Stinger Escort Ship

Level 1 Hauler

Base Defense Tower

NOTE: All models are to be considered place holders and are subject to change as the development progresses. So expect the actual shipping products to look, act and feel different than the ones portrayed here. 

To encourage everyone to get involved and share their passion for the Silica neXus Virtual Universe, we’ve created a set of missions for you to collectively complete, listed below. Each mission accomplished by the Silica neXus Community (SXC) earns a point. Earned points unlock cool content in the game and fun rewards for Backers (also listed below).

Pledged of $200,000 Goal
Days Left
Crowdfunding ends on
Convergence’s Silica neXus Project: A Cross-Reality Virtual Universe with a blockchain backbone securing the virtual goods economy
Watcher: $1.00

This is an easy way to help us reach our goal and become part of the Silica neXus community.

Initiate: $5.00
PDF/eBook version of Silica: Transition By our Creative Director T.A. ROE Delivery: Before March, 2022
Seeker: $15.00
Paperback version of Silica: Transition By our Creative Director T.A. ROE Free S&H in the USA. Opportunity to become a beta tester for the Silica neXus Social Augmented Reality App (SARA) when it becomes available. Delivery:Before March, 2022
Alloy Processor: $25.00
Alloy Processing Plant (requires Ore) can process 2 SUs of Ore into 1 SU of Alloy per month.  You can buy Ore to process from others or mine it yourself with a Ore Resource Bot (Level 7 Below). Delivery:Before March, 2022
Limit: 1 of 1000 Taken
Crude Refinery: $25.00
Fuel Processing Plant (requires crude) can process 2 SUs of crude into 1 SU of fuel per month. You can buy crude to process from others or mine it yourself with a Crude Resource Bot (Level 8 Below). Delivery:Before March, 2022
Limit: 1 of 1000 Taken
Pioneer: $40.00
Stake your claim! This is your opportunity to grab some land on the other side of the neXus. When our first town is established and land is sectioned off, first come first served opportunity to grab your personal piece of this new frontier. We have secured a beachhead in several planetary systems which allow you to put down roots with the help of your remote avatar. Our friends from a nearby system have not only provided us with the technology that creates a safe and stable wormhole, but have also provided remote entities that resemble species and technologies from their side. This allows you to achieve telepresence on their world. To them you will appear as a native. It’s like you’re really there! Opportunity to become a beta tester for the Silica neXus Social Augmented Reality App (SARA) when it becomes available. Standard Land Plots are 150 x 150 Meters.  Delivery:Before March, 2022
Limit: 0 of 3000 Taken
Prospector: $50.00
Monitor your Resource Bot remotely and gather valuable resources. Alloy is needed as a consumable resource to build many things; buildings, droids, weapons, vehicles, ammunition, and the like. Alloy is produced from Ore. You can either buy the ore, or create your own here so you never run out. With this level you receive one Ore Resource Bot, which detects and extracts one standard unit (SU) of ore per month to be processed into alloy by a Processing Plant. You also have an opportunity to become a beta tester for the Silica neXus Social Augmented Reality App (SARA) when it becomes available. More about Resource Bots: Nanites (Microscopic Nanobots) assemble to form coins so people can pick them up (ever tried to pick up just one molecule?) They are also used to create Resource bots on the CORE planets of Silica neXus. These basic resource bots are used in the collection and production of basic Consumable Resources (“Consumables”) such as Fuel and Alloy on the CORE planets. These Consumables will be used by the players throughout the CORE planets just like gas and steel are consumed in countries around the world. Opportunity to become a beta tester for SARA when it becomes available. Resource bots will be stored in users’ accounts, along with all of the other virtual goods they collect, until traded or put to use to create resource bots. Resource bots are installed on land parcels to acquire fundamental Crude or Ore for processing into Fuel or Alloy respectively. Fuel and Alloy can be used, stored or traded.  Early Adopters through Convergence’s Crowdsource campaign can become first Resource Barons in the SXVU. As the number of users grows on the system, the scarcity of resources will create a natural supply/demand market and the value of resources will fluctuate based upon this demand created by the users. Very similar to the ecosystem of the World of Warcraft community. Delivery:Before March, 2022
Limit: 6 of 1000 Taken
Leecher: $50.00
Monitor your Resource Bot remotely and gather valuable resources. Fuel is needed as a consumable resource to run many things; droids, vehicles, factories, and the like. Fuel is produced from Crude. You can either buy the Crude, or create your own here so you never run out. With this level you receive one Crude Resource Bot which detects and extracts one standard unit (SU) of crude per month to be processed into fuel by a Refinery Station. You also have an opportunity to become a beta tester for the Silica neXus Social Augmented Reality App (SARA) when it becomes available. Delivery:Before March, 2022
Limit: 7 of 1000 Taken
Freelancer: $60.00
Control your remote avatar through telepresence AND pilot your Freight Skimmer. You get access to a remote avatar through telepresence and you get access to a Freighter Vessel which gives you the opportunity to earn your living by offering transport- and mercenary-for-hire services. Freighters include several cabins for use as living quarters as well as cargo space for transporting goods. With 3 months of free hangar space you will have ample time to build your Freelance career or establish yourself in the merchant marines. Opportunity to become a beta tester for the Silica neXus Social Augmented Reality App (SARA) when it becomes available. Delivery:Before March, 2022
Limit: 1 of 500 Taken
Specialist: $70.00
Control your remote avatar through telepresence AND pilot your personal Aerodrone as a private security officer or lieutenant in the station defense corp. You also get access to living quarters in one of the beautiful residential complexes on this world and 3 months of free rent. Opportunity to become a beta tester for the Silica neXus Social Augmented Reality App (SARA) when it becomes available. Delivery:Before March, 2022
Limit: 1 of 500 Taken
City Planner: $140.00
Take charge of your destiny! This is your opportunity to grab some premium land within the commercial sector on the other side of the neXus. Special opportunity to develop a business or political career. When our first town is established and land is sectioned off, first come first served opportunity to grab your personal piece of this new frontier. We have secured a beachhead in several planetary systems which allow you to put down roots with the help of your remote avatar. Our friends from a nearby system have not only provided us with the technology that creates a safe and stable wormhole, but have also provided remote entities that resemble species and technologies from their side. This allows you to achieve telepresence on their world. To them you will appear as a native. It’s like you’re really there! This perk comes with clout. It could save you a lot of time building the resources and connections needed to establish yourself as an entrepreneur or political figure on the other side of the neXus.  Opportunity to become a beta tester for the Silica neXus Social Augmented Reality App (SARA) when it becomes available Special perk allows you to create campaigns and events as group/clan leader.  About Large Central Land Parcels: These parcels of land are key holdings for those that would create a town center, commercial district, or rental zones for other players. Perhaps you would like to build a guild meeting hall for your house or clan? These parcels are 4 plots of land, but more importantly, their location is everything. Resources in the town center are well protected and cost much less than the same resources outside of the city limits. This could be the beginning of your virtual real estate empire. Delivery:Before March, 2022
Limit: 1 of 1000 Taken
City Tycoon: $500.00
Become a proud holder of 11 resource bots! These basic resource bots are used in the collection and production of basic Consumable Resources (“Consumables”) such as Fuel and Alloy on the CORE planets. These Consumables will be used by the players throughout the CORE planets just like gas and steel are consumed in countries around the world. Opportunity to become a beta tester for SARA when it becomes available. City Planner Perk includes: Initiate Reward + Avatar and Large Central Land Parcel + SARA group leader status. Delivery:Before March, 2022
Limit: 17 of 100000 Taken
Land Barron: $1,000.00
Become a proud holder of 23 resource bots! Add a Very Large Outer Land Parcel Land Barron Perk includes: Initiate Reward + Avatar and Very Large Outer Lands Parcel + SARA group leader status About Very Large Outer Lands Parcels:  These parcels are 9 plots of land, located on the outskirts of a city, somewhat like a ranch estate. This could be used to create a suburb-like environment, an industrial production area, commercial enterprise, or broken into single plots of land to be rented or sold. Delivery:Before March, 2022
Limit: 6 of 50000 Taken
Magnate: $5,000.00
Become a proud holder of 125 resource bots! Nobel Status Perk includes: Initiate Reward + Avatar and Massively Large Outer Lands Parcel + SARA group leader status About Massively Large Outer Lands Parcels:  These parcels are 25 plots of land, located on the outskirts of a city, somewhat like a ranch estate. This could be used to create a suburb-like environment, an industrial production area, commercial enterprise, or broken into single plots of land to be rented or sold. BONUS: You also get access to a large apartment in deluxe housing within the city and a seat in the government. This perk also gives you the opportunity to create a guild house, clan, or unique corporation on the other side of the neXus that will live on within the game (name approval required). Delivery:Before March, 2022
Limit: 2 of 10000 Taken
Legendary: $9,995.00
Become a proud holder of 300 resource bots! (Price adjusted because Paypal freaks out at $10,000) Legendary Status Perk includes: Initiate Reward + Avatar and Special Lair and Hangout land parcel + SARA group leader status About Special Lairs and Hangouts:  This could be an exclusive island, an asteroid base, a building complex on a huge parcel of land, an underground facility, or some other special locale that can be uniquely yours. Usable space for construction and/or land development will vary, but expect this parcel to be at least 36 plots of land + additional lair or hanguot area. Use your wealth to create an empire within the neXus universe; good or evil, corporate or pirate–the possibilities are only limited by your imagination. Delivery:Before March, 2022
Limit: 8 of 1000 Taken
Step 1: Specify your contribution amount for Silica neXus